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Monday, November 18, 2013




  該報告指出全球僱員平均敬業率是13%,其中美國高達30%,對比中國的6%確是高出幾倍。不過,有趣是日本也只不過是7%  ,這與人們印象中日本工人的專業品牌形象大相逕庭。還有,報告中以框線特別標示在中國只有57%認為目前的工作適合自己,是亞洲地區中倒數第二低。報告對此數據引伸解說是中國必須改革國企過去專制管理模式,要提升員工的地位和更好運用他們的才智。

  這種解說獨立來看是對的,但在同一圖表排在頂上,擁有全亞洲最滿意自己工作的國家是菲律賓,達 86% ,而企業創新成就有目共睹的南韓竟然排在中國之後,以55%包尾。回到報告的核心數據──敬業精神,菲律賓也高達29%,僅次於美國。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amazing. In a hotel where I worked, American drank during shifts and even invited personal friends staying without paid.

In a shuttle bus services shifts some took break frequently. Asian working altitude are straight forward in general. Working and got Paid. So Asian can save money because in general. do they smoke drugs? do they drank whole working in America? They have limited English speaking proficiency and no way to dispute if caught red handed. Unless Asian want to lose jobs!

Korean groceries owners working hours after hours. Chinese restaurants owners and waiters all struggle for businesses. Small percent of chefs exaggerated their cooking skills to boost up the salary but still this is marketing career skills American even depicted much unpredictably.

Tell me why weight size of police enforcement is in average high? Tell me why fireman let a house burning with three dead inside indecisively. Tell me how many seniors killed on 3rd street without any suspect caught or even bother to be resolved. Tell me How many lost people even successful entrepreneur in Noriega disappeared and reported loss of human still unfounded

For God sake Please don't use index to put down Asian.