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Wednesday, August 13, 2008








Anonymous said...



梁建鋒 said...



whui said...


奧運的主軸精神是講求公平, 真誠和誠實。 成績和效果反而是次要。

在奧運表演裡安排代唱可能並沒有不妥, 但事先沒有清楚講明, 實在讓人覺得有欠誠實。

舉辦奧運, 向世人展示中國人熱誠和能力的同時, 也需要讓世界覺得合情合理, 這樣才能讓其他國家由衷的佩服我們。

Anonymous said...


visual art 的reality,就是想你把「整個效果」當「真」的來看.我當然不會事前張揚.如要批評他不誠實.要看「欣賞」完表演後(一定要是之後,否則,幕後代唱這「藝術上的組合」便算是不成功),人家好奇問:「個女孩又靚聲又如天籟, 是她本人原聲音嗎?」假如此時張導及官方說假話, 是事後被傳媒幾經追查,由他們一手揭發真相……, 此時, 你大概可以指控他不誠實.
真的不想爭辯, 也不想傷和氣及轉移了大家對奧運的視線.
只想衷心地對如whui先生的朋友交流, 我是個搞藝術的, 心知在電影製作及非歌劇的performance art 世界裏, 他們心目中的真實, 不一定是你的定義.
先聲明, 我絕對不是張迷, 甚至不太欣賞他近年的電影(用色太絕,在奧運會上,張是「進步」了,也許不全是他個人主意,用色是match 、舒服, 而不是玩顏色玩到「絕」那種張氏風格), 只是想溝通才回幾句, 絕不是想吵架. 請你及梁總體諒.
他的問題, 是把開幕禮當一場visual art 的reality來製作──而我深深地知道,大家不一定明白,是有一定困難的.此事與愛中國,為他辯護無關.假如此事發生在其他國家身上,我也會如此為電影、performance art導演出身的統籌如此地說幾句話.
同意梁總編的修改, 是失策. 因為並不一定所有人都把它當成是一場「表演」.
真的不來郵了, 讓我們一起看運動員精彩的表演, 認真作賽的運動員值得尊重及專心欣賞.不宜再專注談此事.

Anonymous said...


visual art 的reality,就是想你把「整個效果」當「真」的來看.我當然不會事前張揚.如要批評他不誠實.要看「欣賞」完表演後(一定要是之後,否則,幕後代唱這「藝術上的組合」便算是不成功),人家好奇問:「個女孩又靚聲又如天籟, 是她本人原聲音嗎?」假如此時張導及官方說假話, 是事後被傳媒幾經追查,由他們一手揭發真相……, 此時, 你大概可以指控他不誠實.
真的不想爭辯, 也不想傷和氣及轉移了大家對奧運的視線.
只想衷心地對如whui先生的朋友交流, 我是個搞藝術的, 心知在電影製作及非歌劇的performance art 世界裏, 他們心目中的真實, 不一定是你的定義.
先聲明, 我絕對不是張迷, 甚至不太欣賞他近年的電影(用色太絕,在奧運會上,張是「進步」了,也許不全是他個人主意,用色是match 、舒服, 而不是玩顏色玩到「絕」那種張氏風格), 只是想溝通才回幾句, 絕不是想吵架. 請你及梁總體諒.
他的問題, 是把開幕禮當一場visual art 的reality來製作──而我深深地知道,大家不一定明白,是有一定困難的.此事與愛中國,為他辯護無關.假如此事發生在其他國家身上,我也會如此為電影、performance art導演出身的統籌如此地說幾句話.
同意梁總編的修改, 是失策. 因為並不一定所有人都把它當成是一場「表演」.
真的不來郵了, 讓我們一起看運動員精彩的表演, 認真作賽的運動員值得尊重及專心欣賞.不宜再專注談此事.

Anonymous said...


whui said...

(My apologies I am on a different computer and I can't type Chinese here).

I believe we are expressing our honest (and different) opinions on this forum without prejudice hence the concern of hurting one's personal feelings is never an issue, IMHO.

That said please allow me to express two follow up comments in response to Mr. Anonymous's earlier comments.

1. Admitting to something you had done after people found out about it is, unfortunately, a degraded kind of honesty (look at John Edwards). That's not the kind of honesty we should be aiming for, in my humble opinion.

2. Olympics is not the right platform for anyone to express his/her personal view of art. The opening ceremony is arguably not an art performance, a movie or a show; it represents the hosting country. The way it is done/handled tells the world a lot about how the hosting country (and the people behind her) sees and approaches Olympics, and that is serious and important.

Anonymous said...

It is OK to have a "second" in the movie production. They are the persons who perform something that the real one can't/won't do. That include fighting, singing, stunts, and sex.

It is also a fact that some rock and roll stars doing lip-sync (not sing). That's in a 40,000 person attendance situation.

I don't know if anyone of you saw a movie called "Kagemusha" directed by Kurosawa. You will see the way of the "second" being treated when the truth came out.

The lip-sync at the opening ceremony just added another reason why the West dislike China (real or not real, reasonable or unjustified).

For the kids involved in the case. One kid says, "It's Ok that I can't sing, but I got the look. Somebody will do the singing for me.".

The kid doing the "second" says, "I did not get the part becasue I don't have the look. My talent has to serve those that have the look, but no talent.".

Is this healthy?

That's why there are always drugs involvement in the field of sports. Cheating is OK.

Anonymous said...

Luciano Pavalotti has beautiful voice but he is too fat.

George Clooney has a handsome face but can't sing.

Solution: let Luniano Pavalotti sings in the background and George Clooney stands on the stage.

It just won't work in the reality. People in the opera circuit know it too well to do foolish thing like this.

You do this, you drive yourself out of business. Understand?

Anonymous said...

Let's talk something less serious. No more right or wrong, but how people treasure/value the truth.

In some serious photographic contests, the judges will request the item enters the contest to be ready to submit the original film strip to be verified that the paper photo came from the original negative film.

On the movie poster "Pretty Woman", Julie Roberts's head was
put onto another model's body.

Decades ago, publishers of fashion magazines used paint-brush to re-touch (beautify skin tone) the faces of the models. That's why they all looks good on paper.

Well, nowsdays, no more films. Everything is digital, Adobe photoshop composition digital retouch. Guess what, there is a software on the market that can tell you the history of a digital file. How many times the file got modified. Some sofware can even tell you the person(s) are added to the picture at different stage based on the light reflection of the pupils. Digital photo makes fakes much easier, and quicker.

For the college kid, beware. Your term paper submitted will be scanned by the software word for word against computer databases looking for similarities. Don't think you can get away with copying GOOGLE stuff and get an A for your copy work.

Another case happened in the publishing/news media business 13 years ago in O.J. case of Los Angeles. After O.J. got arrested, all the major weekly news magazines published the mug shot (aka police photo, not the prettiest kind, even worses than the Calif DMV) of O. J. on the magazine covers.

All of them show the head shot of O. J. but the color, tone, shade are all different. It makes you think which photo is the real one.
One of them is much darker, makes you think that O.J. is the real crimial.

I am sure the darker face of O. J. was not a production mistake, or fault because the magazine had to be put into distribution quick to get the most out of it.

People do do the manipulation to some degree.

It is the intension count. For entertainment purpose, that's fine. Hollywood uses a lot of machanical sharks, rubber snakes, model submarines in the swimming pool, and now computer generated 3-D leading role characters (animation).

Cheating at the Olymic games opening ceremony just add more fuel to the Western media to attack the image of China.

Is it the reason that the leader of Beijing want to use the Olymic Games to show the the world that China is a great nation (no more week, poverty, un-civilized)?

Why bother to put so much money to get the right to host the Games?

The leaders behind the wall still need more think. Money does not buy you respect.