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Friday, September 25, 2009









Anonymous said...

Language service is supposed to be good to certain groups of people, but it is not necessary effective.

It also requires resource to be allocated. No wonder state of California is in bad shape. You can take the written test at DMV in several other languages other than English.

There are occasions that perfect translation is not achievable.

It is better to read world famous literature is its original language.

If you are native Chinese reader and read English, why you want to read the "Three Kingdom" in English translation.

If you native English reader and read Chinese, why you want to read "Romeo and Juliet" in Chinese translation?

In fact, a lot of the official translation have faults in it.

In the Northeastern part of Canada, you have to know French to
live in that community. No French, no service.

It is your responsibility to know the language to communicate.
You better learn the language. It is better for you in long term.
You are not the supreme being to have a translator to accompany you wherever you go.

梁建鋒 said...

感謝上面一位朋友的留言. 您所講的道理都是很多人講過的,也很大義澟然. 入鄉就要隨俗,住人屋簷下就要低頭. 在美國生活懂英語有多好有多實用,是不必爭論和教育的事情,就連新上岸的新移民也即時知曉.

不過,回歸現實,是每一個移民都能即時掌握足夠生活應用的英語能力嗎? 在學的過程中,或是沒有能學的那一群,如老人或生活所逼要不停工作謀生的人. 我們可以說:你自己不學好英文,所以你沒有權利期望得到同一樣的政府服務嗎?雖然繳稅是不必學英文的,不懂英文也要交稅,新移民也交同一樣的稅.

看看三藩市社區大學的ESL英語課,不都幾乎全是華人學生嗎?由十幾到八十幾都有. 請不要看不起需要語言服務的人. 融入社會是需要一個過程的. 但人權或生活權是不能附加上言語條件的.

美國就是一個移民社會,既然是一個民主自由社會,社會制度就必須跟著人民的需求而轉變. 當社區上出現一批有這種需要的民眾時,政府便有義務去服務.這是責任,不是福利!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Language transaction services only work effectively when the situation is static. Hospitals, court houses, United Nation meetings, Mr. President visits to China.

In a life or death, firearms involved situation, you better know the language by yourself and be cooperative. The police has guide lines to carry out their duties. When conditions met, they fire without hesitation.

Police officers are human beings too. They have their own "the other half" and children as well.

It is better to kill suspects disobeying orders than get yourself killed.

The officer would rather let the Police chief to handle the after situation. The city will pay the victim. An over-rated funeral ceremony is just for show. The officer would rather go home every night to join his/her loved ones.

Just put yourself in the shoe of the police officer, you will have a different view about the situation.

Years ago, in the bay area, police answer the call to a house and saw an Asian hold stick as if "Bruce Lee" did. Police fired and killed the person because the object dis-obey orders.

It turned out that the object was under influence of alcohol.

The white police thought that any Asian holding sticks must a Kung Fu master like Bruce Lee. Just follow orders and instructions, so the Asian got killed. Sad? it is. But whose fault? I let you decide.
Police brutality? No, sir.
Stupid Asian? Yes, especially under substance abuse.
Looking for trouble, you got it.

梁建鋒 said...

你好, 大概是先前同一位先生吧!

你所提及的Bruce Lee個案,不用我說了,死者的家屬控告警方,結果法庭判警方需要賠償,錯在警員.已成案例.

我不想再就此爭辯下去,如果你認為經專業訓練,持多種致命武器的警員,比一時情緒失控的平民百姓的生命更寶貴,更值得保護. 真的沒有必要爭辯. 因為我為你的言論感到極度心寒和悲哀.


梁建鋒 said...
