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Tuesday, March 04, 2008





  除了這「夜半玲聲」廣告外,過去十日,搞笑節目《星期六直播》(Saturday Night Live)兩度以奧希電視辯論為題,諷刺媒體迷上奧巴馬,可能發揮了相當效應。人心一般是同情弱者的,自初選開戰,奧巴馬是弱者,因為他是政壇新星及非裔;但在奧巴馬連勝十一州後,奧營開始喊出要希拉莉退選的聲音,予人盛氣凌人的感覺,再加上收視極高的搞笑節目為希拉莉喊冤,同情票再度發揮作用了。情況類似新罕州的希拉莉眼淚。


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this advetisement, but I can imagine what it is from the desciption you provided.

This is fear tatic at its very best. I don't think she received such telephone calls when she was the first lady. One correction though, she probably got disturbed from your sleep when the other half got such mid-night call. That's all. She went back to sleep again. There was no action on her part as the first lady.

Another correction, she and he probably in separated bedrooms since the Monica scandal. She probably never heard such phone call/disturbance.

Years and years ago, there was an ad on the TV about sellling personal computer. A happy couple sending their kid to college at the train station. The second scene was a rainy day; kid stepped off the train depressed. Reason: the kid failed at college because the kid did not buy a personal computer to do his college work; a dropped out kid. Now, you have to buy my personal computer; otherwise, your kid will fail in school. Get the point.

Well, owning a personal computer has nothing to do with the success in college. Nowadays, kids with computers at college only downloading MP3 music, video, games most of the time. They have to sign agreements on access the campus network. If you don't vote for me, you are going to have severe consequence are just dirty tricks.

Don't forget that Texas is not a racial friendly state, not a progressive thinking state at all.